
Word of Mouth from Dr. Venincasa's Office

root canal, crown
root canal

Do I Really Need Root Canal Treatment Through a Crown?

Patients often have some questions or concerns about performing root canal treatment through a crown. This is understandable. Many patients think that teeth with crowns should no longer require treatment. Many patients may also think that their crown would be

root canal dentist treatment pain-free, Venincasa Dental

Do Root Canals Need to Be Done Through Crowns?

There is currently much interest within the Internet concerning doing root canal therapy through crowns. To address this, I will make a few points. First, the procedure of root canal therapy through a crown is done tens of times daily

Do They Put You Asleep for a Root Canal?

This question comes up quite often. Many of us hear “jokes” on TV, radio, or on the Internet, about getting a root canal procedure done. As a result, there are many misunderstandings about what is involved in a root canal

Truth, Venincasa Dental, Root Canals

Not All Toothaches Require Root Canal Therapy!

Well, it happened again this week. We had three patients with a toothache. For many patients and for quite a few dentists, this may mean the need for  root canal treatment. However, this is not necessarily true, at all. Evidence-based

toothache, root canal, extraction

Root Canal Dentists in Dallas

Yes, there are many root canal dentists in Dallas. They can be in the form of an endodontist or in the form of a general dentist. So, how do you go about selecting one? In the past, asking friends and

root canal, root canal and cancer, Venincasa Dental, Dallas dentist

Are Root Canals Safe?

Yes, yes, yes! Root canals are safe. Yes I know that rumors are discussed nearby coffee makers and water coolers. I know the Internet has information to the contrary. I would bet you can find two sides to any argument

broken teeth, Venincasa Dental, Dallas dentist

How Can I Prevent Broken Teeth?

We are asked this question quite a bit; how can I prevent broken teeth? These patients may explain that they brush two to three times daily, they may floss daily, and they maintain their regularly scheduled preventive appointments. However, even

Venincasa Dental, Dallas dentist, Plano dentist, Carrollton dentist, Richardson dentist, Addison dentist

Do I Really Need a Root Canal Through a Crown?

There certainly are times when a root canal procedure needs to be done through an existing crown. I would say that this exact procedure is done in Dallas tens of times a day. It is indeed a common need. So

root canal, root canal and cancer, Venincasa Dental, Dallas dentist

Are Root Canals Necessary?

While it is true that root canal procedures have been done as far back as 2000 years ago, there have been questions amongst some these days that root canal procedures may not be healthy. Some believe that leaving a “dead”