
Word of Mouth from Dr. Venincasa's Office

Night guard, bite guard, mouth guard, Venincasa Dental

Custom Night Guards: Are They Worth the Money?

I have been recommending night guards to my valued patients with evidence of tooth wear for over 30 years. I truly believe in the benefit of these guards. To me, they are just as important as brushing, flossing, and fluoride

preventing dental problems, saving money on dental care, Venincasa Dental

Easier Ways of Saving Money on Dentistry

Many of us have tried to do things ourselves to save money. I know I have. With Youtube and other online research, I have been able to upgrade components in my laptop, I have been able to repair some broken

smile makeover, dental makeover, Venincasa Dental
cosmetic dentistry

The Start of a Dental Cosmetic Smile Makeover

Dental cosmetic makeovers do change lives. Those who receive a dental cosmetic makeover find confidence, their self-esteem increases, and they smile more as a result. With all this, they may find themselves more willing to enhance their work life, and

broken teeth, Venincasa Dental, Dallas dentist

How Can I Prevent Broken Teeth?

We are asked this question quite a bit; how can I prevent broken teeth? These patients may explain that they brush two to three times daily, they may floss daily, and they maintain their regularly scheduled preventive appointments. However, even


Yes, You Can Have Really Nice Healthy Teeth!

Many patients experience dental problems for most of their life.  Many patients have told me for over 25 years that every time they get their teeth cleaned they are in need of dental treatment.  For these patients it is frustrating.

Dentists treat patients' teeth.

Ways to Prevent Major Dental Problems

I am sitting here before my laptop wondering how I should initiate my postings for this new year.  While I may not know what is best I feel the need to discuss how I can assist you in preventing major

Dentist chair

Grinding and Bruxism

Grinding and Bruxism Can Cause Tremendous Damage As I have had the privilege to practice dentistry for over 25 years, I have come to greatly appreciate the effects of grinding and bruxism on the teeth.  Many patients often deny they