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Are Root Canals Necessary?

While it is true that root canal procedures have been done as far back as 2000 years ago, there have been questions amongst some these days that root canal procedures may not be healthy. Some believe that leaving a “dead” tooth in the body may lead to cancer.  May I kindly interject right away that based on the evidence known today, ROOT CANAL TREATMENT IS SAFE AND DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER! Yes, I realize you may have friends or some medical providers of some kind who emphatically state that root canals are not safe or that they cause cancer. I

Do Root Canals Hurt?

We have all heard the jokes and references to root canals. I suppose that dentists have done more to contribute to this than anyone else. Historically, we have not done a very good job at either educating the public on the truths of this procedure or we have not done a very good job at comforting the patient during the procedure. I suppose many dentists are too busy to explain very much about the procedure. I suppose that dental office staff is also perhaps too busy to fully explain this root canal procedure to patients. Perhaps also patients are too

Do Root Canals Fail? Should I Have an Extraction Instead?

There has been more talk recently about root canals. In some circles there is the idea that root canals should never be done. Some research which has not been well-proven suggests that there is a link between root canal therapy and cancer. There are also some oral surgeons who do not see the advantage of root canal therapy; they would rather patients have an extraction and a dental implant. On this last point, oral surgeons do not perform root canals but they do perform extractions and dental implants. So what gives? To be bitterly honest with you it would be

Signs That You Need a Root Canal

Many patients may wonder if they need a root canal. Signs and symptoms may point towards the need for root canal therapy; however, the final determination is best obtained by seeing a reputable dentist. With this written, let’s explore some signs that may point to the need for a root canal. One sign of the need for a root canal is a compressible swelling near the end of the root inside your mouth. This compressible swelling may drain a foul tasting fluid at times. This sign is an abscess and may point towards a tooth that has become non-vital. Depending

Root Canal or Dental Implant?

Patients may have a tooth with particular problems which create the decision to either try to save the tooth or to rather have it extracted and have a dental implant placed. The best decision is based upon the findings. The best decision can be arrived at by the dentist and by the patient working together. Now, if a patient goes to an oral surgeon, the oral surgeon cannot by law provide root canal therapy. Oral surgeons see the failures of root canals based upon their work and thus may see little good in root canal therapy. However, that view is

Root Canals and Fear

Why Do Root Canals Create Such an Emotional Response? I am for the most part a regular person like many of you.  I know that on the radio and around the water cooler that people say they would rather do anything else than have a root canal.  It is somewhat of a joke that people have.  We have all heard it.  To some degree we may understand it.  However, based on the experiences that my patients have in my office, I do not understand the negative emotional reaction to root canals at all. I know people have had bad experiences

Root Canals

Mitch Moreland of the MLB Texas Rangers Needed a Root Canal In the summer of 2012 the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball missed their first baseman Mitch Moreland for a few games due to his need to obtain root canal treatment on a front tooth.  Mitch may have been suffering from moderate to severe pain over the affected tooth, he may have had swelling within the gum in the same area, or his tooth could have been very sensitive to biting pressure, hot, or cold.  These symptoms may occur when a tooth has deep decay, when a tooth has a history

Night Guards: A Well-Constructed One Can Save Patients Thousands of Dollar

In my dental practice, I have delivered hundreds of these night guards. I would estimate that between 40-60% of dental patients would benefit from a night guard. Patients often ask, why I would recommend this to them. First, when I see evidence of advanced wear on their teeth, then I know that there is a history of grinding or clenching. These forces can cause so much damage. A night guard distributes the forces so that they are shared between many teeth. A night guard can even decrease the forces that can be applied. Second, when I see a number of

Do Cracked Teeth Require Dental Treatment?

This is a common question over the Internet. Do cracked teeth require dental treatment? Yes, we know that dental offices can present dramatic images on their computers that clearly show your teeth to have cracks. These certainly can be unaltered images. However, the existence of cracks alone is not at all a reason to perform treatment. Other factors need to be considered. In one example, if the crack is more horizontal than vertical in orientation, it may well point to the real potential for part of the tooth to break away. These teeth may very well be recommended for a