Online at CNN Money, published on June 2, 2015, it was reported that insurers are requesting large premium increases for 2016. State regulatory bodies have the capability to grant or decrease these requested increases.
For example, in the state of Florida, United Healthcare is requesting 2016 premium increases of anywhere from 18-60%. At the same time, in the state of Texas, Scott and White as well as Humana are requesting 2016 health insurance premium increases of about 30%.
Our president was promising to lower insurance premiums upon pleading his case for proposing Obamacare. However, this is not the experience of many Americans. And it seems premiums may be getting even more expensive. So why is this? There are several reasons proposed within this article at CNN Money:
- For the first two years of Obamacare, 2014 and 2015, there has been an increased demand for healthcare services over that predicted.
- Those enrolled within the Obamacare Exchange insurance plans obtain more healthcare than those outside the Obamacare Exchange insurance plans.
- For the first two years of Obamacare, 2014 and 2015, multiple insurers expressed their health plan premiums were too low.
In addition to this, there are no longer subsidies for those enrolled in healthcare plans outside the Obamacare Exchanges. As a result, for those who pay these health insurance premiums, their fees go up even greater than those being requested by multiple insurers.
So, how can Americans decrease their premiums payments? The article recommended that we shop around when enrollment starts in November 2015. The article did not recommend simply renewing coverage.
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