We have heard national politicians state a religious belief they may personally have, yet they support laws that are contrary to that belief. Particularly, this applies to the abortion issue. It may apply to other issues as well. These politicians may state something like they do not want to impose their religious beliefs upon others. They state that others should have their own religious beliefs even if they are contrary to those of the politician.
I used to think the same way as many of these national politicians. However, for me things changed in 2007. In 2007 I discovered how God can interact with us in this life, I discovered why Jesus Christ walked on this earth, I learned so much more about who Jesus was, and I learned more deeply about the truths that exist for us here on earth within the religious realm. Now I realize that for many this is a difficult discussion. Many consider religious issues to be personal. Many separate religious truths from living in this life. Many separate religious truths from conversation and from voting in elections.
Moreover, along the line of religious truths, there are some that see truth as fluid and changing. There are some that think truth differs depending upon one’s religious or spiritual preferences. Oh, this is so difficult to address. Is it too strong of a statement to say that there is only one truth in the religious realm? For new situations that occur like genetic engineering and in-vitro fertilization, are there definitive religious truths that can be applied to determine how we manage genetic engineering, in-vitro fertilization, and other new situations? How do we know what is “right”, what is moral, and what is ethical if there are no definitive religious truths? What compass or guide do we have if there are not definitive religious truths? We can all come up with our own sources of truth, like philosophers, religious leaders, particular religions, and our own hearts. However, we will never agree on truths in this way.
Is there such a thing as religious truths, that are always true, just as 1+1=2? Are there truths that are always true? If so, shouldn’t we take those truths with us into the voting booth? Shouldn’t we vote with truths of the religious realm? How can we properly vote in elections if we omit certain truths that happen to be of the religious realm?
Personally, I do not see how we can omit the truths of the religious realm from voting in elections. I do not see how I can omit truths of the religious realm from my work life. I do not see how I can omit truths of the religious realm from how I relate to my friends, my family, and even to strangers. I do not see how I can omit truths of the religious realm from any part of my life. I see these truths of the religious realm as true just as much as 1+1=2. I do not see religious truths as any different from any other truth; whether a truth is mathematical, scientific, from experience, or from the religious realm makes no matter to me. Truth is truth. And if a truth is true in the religious realm, then it is also a truth that cannot be dis-proven in any other realm such as mathematics, science, or whatever. Truth is always truth. It is simply that simple to me. Yes, our faith should affect our voting in elections because if we are honest and open, our faith truths are consistent with all other sources of truth. We should not remove a portion of our known truths from our voting in elections.