Closing gaps between upper teeth can be done in multiple ways. The best options depend upon the width of the gap, the relative widths of the teeth, the lengths of the teeth, and the alignment and color of the teeth, among other things. Many patients come into my office with the idea that they simply just want to close that mid-line gap. However, that alone may present some compromises.
This kind patient was just like that; she simply wanted to close the mid-line gap. However, my concern was that the front two teeth were already a bit too square, and that closing the gap may make the front two teeth look too wide and stubby. Other options were presented along with their benefits, advantages and disadvantages, and fee considerations.
After considering her options, she wanted simply to close the gap with bonding material. She also was advised that, if the teeth looked too wide, we could open the gap slightly to make the teeth less wide, which could perhaps enhance the final result.
So, after completion of the bonding, she liked it just as it turned out. We ended up also bonding onto the front surfaces of both front teeth to fill in damage caused by her habit of biting into lemons.
For more images on closing gaps between the front teeth, we invite you to follow this link.
For more information on closing gaps, we invite you to follow this link.
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For an appointment in my patient-centered, value-oriented, high quality, and dentist-owned and operated, north Dallas office, we invite you to give us a call at (972) 250-2580.