Yes, we are closing the office this Monday, May 27, 2013, for the observance of Memorial Day. We hope you all may enjoy the day, we hope you all have a pleasant, safe, and peaceful weekend, and may we all take the time to remember those who have given their lives and livelihood so we citizens may benefit from the freedoms obtained through their efforts. It is so very easy to take our freedoms for granted and it is easy to take our military for granted. May we take some moments to consider the sacrifices our Americans in uniform have made on our behalf, so we can enjoy our life in this United States of America.
The dental office is open on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, at 7 am. If you do have an emergency over the weekend please do call the office at (972) 250-2580, and follow the voice mail system prompts so that Dr. Venincasa can be contacted. If something comes up that is not emergent feel free to leave us a telephone message or feel free to contact us in any way you prefer through this website.
We value our patients. We value your sharing your lives with us. You give our work more meaning. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.