With the Dallas weather heating up, our water consumption is increasing. Many of us think that water is healthy, and that most all water is the same. We may tend to select our bottled water based upon taste more than anything else. Perhaps, we may select our bottled water more by price. With whatever means we use to select our bottled drinking water, may I invite you to consider the acidity of the water?
You see, there is much variability in the measured acidity (the pH) of bottled waters. The ideal pH of water is 7.0. However, many brands of bottled water have a pH below 6.0. These include Vitaminwater, Propel Zero and Propel Fitness water, Gatorade, Penta, Function, Perrier, Simple Truth, Le Bleu, Aquafina, and Ozarka. To be fair, different sources show differing values for the pH; however, these brands consistently had an acidity measuring below a pH of 6.0 based upon my research.
It seems that Vitaminwater, Propel Zero and Propel Fitness water, and Gatorade, had pH values (3.4-3.6) similar to sodas, orange juice, and carbonated water (3.0). This can lead to tooth erosion and damage.
With this information, it would be wise to clarify the pH value of your chosen water. There are home kits available to measure acidity; the worldwide web may assist you in finding a home kit, or may assist you with researching your chosen brand’s acidity. With this also, it would be wise to consider changing your chosen bottled water if the pH value is below 6.5. It would be most unfortunate if water is causing any dental problems.
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