We are deeply humbled to have such a nice online reputation. We rely on actual patient online reviews to help get the word out on who we are. We are very thankful our patients have been open to writing reviews concerning my dental practice on their own. As many of you know, we do not entice prospective patients to our practice with discount coupons in the mail, with membership in a discounted insurance program, with those fancy expensive local magazine advertisements, nor with online discount coupons from marketing websites. Instead, we rely on more traditional techniques like providing honest information on who we are and what we do, like treating people the way we want to be treated, like sincerely trying to save patients money in the long run, like treating teeth that truly need to be fixed, and like allowing patients to be involved in the decision-making process concerning their treatment plans without pressuring patients into plans they do not want. So being more traditional as we are, our online reputation allows prospective patients to find out who we are in a professional way and in an honest way. They obtain a lot of information about us from actual patients. To illustrate we provide links to the websites that today rate us as the #4 Dentist in Dallas (www.doctoroogle.com) , #14 Dentist in Dallas (www.demandforce.com), and the #20 Dentist in the greater Richardson area (www.demandforce.com). We welcome prospective patients to experience what they may be missing. We are unique and we are different. Our patients perceive the sincere care and respect we have for them. We invite you to contact us at (972) 250-2580 or in any other manner you see available on this web page.