We Work Hard for You
There are many insurance plans. We have three different software applications that enable us to estimate as best we can how your insurance carrier may pay towards dental procedures.
These three applications are very specific about finding out information about your particular plan with your employer. By taking advantage of these applications and by being very motivated to provide superb personal service, we can provide as accurate of an estimate on insurance payments as the industry may allow. As a result, our patients understand prior to treatment what their out of pocket expenses may be.
Moreover, to assist our patients in getting the most insurance benefit they deserve, we document our work thoroughly. We take advantage of X-rays and photographs to prove why treatment was necessary. We also provide a detailed narrative. By sending all this to the insurance carriers electronically, they receive all the information neatly, quickly, and effectively. This translates to minimizing the out-of-pocket expense to our patients.
When we also take into account how we provide care, how we are so diligent at providing quality care, and when we take into account how we only recommend treatment which is necessary, we can save our patients much in the way of money and time in the dental chair.
If our management of our patients and of their insurance interests you, please call us to make an appointment. We know you will realize right away that there is something very special about how we care for you.