We have made the attempt to provide accurate and up to date information on Obamacare in general and in reference to dental insurance. It is time to provide another update for you, our patients and those perhaps interested in becoming patients.
As we have referenced in previous Obamacare posts, things are changing quite a bit this year. For instance, the payment of penalties for those refusing, yet required to obtain Obamacare, go into effect this tax season. Moreover, this is the first year for renewals. If you have not yet checked the renewal of your Obamacare plan, it would be best to make sure. Some plans may not be eligible for renewal. In other cases as in the state exchanges, the notification of the need for renewal may not be required. For those depending upon renewal, you need to have this accomplished prior to February 15, 2015. Following this date, you will not be able to renew coverage for this year, and you may well be subject to the penalty for having not obtained coverage.
Dental insurance is in a way addressed through Obamacare. Children must have dental coverage available for purchase. It is not a requirement for individuals to purchase dental insurance for children. However, some dental coverage may be available through the potentially required medical insurance policy. In other cases, dental insurance coverage would be purchased as an add-on to the health insurance policy. Again, dental insurance coverage is not required for children but it must be made available to purchase for children.
As far as adult dental insurance, there is no requirement for it. However, coverage may be included in the health insurance policy. In other cases dental insurance coverage can be added on to the existing health insurance policy selected. On the national exchange, dental insurance cannot be purchased without a health insurance plan. Some state exchanges though, may allow for the purchase of a dental insurance plan without requiring the purchase of a health insurance plan.
We realize this can be confusing. We do attempt to help you out on this. For more information on Obamacare we invite you to see our previous posts. We also invite you to the official Obamacare Facts website.
If you appreciate the attentiveness we provide for you on this subject, we invite you to experience the attentiveness we offer patients within our office. We invite you to call us for an appointment at (972) 250-2580, or you may contact us in any way you see available within this website.